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Having to leave my fur baby....for a few months anyway


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So everyones been told, house etc on market, working on a weekly basis to reduce the amount of crap we have horded......but have completely overlooked when Bailey, our English Springer had to have his Rabies vaccines. Realised last week, and he had the jab on Sat, but we were hoping to all leave Aug/Sept. The reality now is that Paul and myself will go Aug/Sept as planned, with Bailey not getting to us until after christmas. So upset at myself for this oversight, and hating the thought of leaving him....and dont even know who Im going to leave him with if Im honest.

We have contemplated travelling to Australia in our week off in June to activate our visas with the view to all then leave together in the new year.

Cant really afford this!


So gutted by this huge cloud hanging over us, and yes I know, no one to blame but myself.

Anyone had to leave their fur babies?? any advice???

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well, one thing to do is weigh up the cost of having an activation trip to what it will cost you in kennel fees for 3-4 months. It may work out cheaper to have the quick trip to validate and then you all travel after Christmas.

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We have had a few friends that have offered to have him for us. even if they can only do a week or two each.

We have had Baileys bloods tests results back as positive, so the antibodies are all active and doing the right things, so thats the worst bit done. We were told that would take a month, but its taken a week, so if we can keep shaving time off whatever else needs to be done I will be happy.


Got the week off work this week, so sorting the house out, massive throwing out session this week.

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