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First Trip to AUS on WHV !!


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Hi ,

Am Ross 20 M , planning my first ever trip to AUS ekkk , will be getting to AUS in late September, but I will be coming on my own which I am abit nervous about if am honest . Is anyone doing the Same thing as I am ?? If you are please get in contact. Will be having a couple of months of traveling around and seeing AUS at its best . Will be arriving in melbourne as I have family there but after that I have got no plans on which way to go or start my travels ,

Where should I start?? what should I 100% not miss out on ??

Thanks for the advice :)

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You'll be fine on your own. I did it and made heaps of new friends that I've visited now I'm back in Europe.

Where should you start... up to you. Depends what you want to do in Australia. If you're arriving in Melbourne, maybe stay there for a bit, see if you can get a job, or if you've got lots of money start travelling up the east coast. I stayed in Brisbane for 5 months, I loved it there, but met a lot of people there who hated it because they couldn't get a job.

What kind of work are you gonna look for? Do you have any experience in anything? Or are you looking for farm work for the 2nd year visa?

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Yeah that could be a good idea of staying in melbourne for abit , I have got money to travel when ever really but just can't decided when or where I want to go , work should be fine for me as I have personal contacts in the V8 supercars (race car industry) so work shouldn't be o much of a problem for me , we're did you meet everyone in hostels ?? Or just in a bar ??

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