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my names jack, i'm looking to travel to oz in November 2014, potentially earlier. Looking to chat and gather some generic information and useful advise from you people who have been there and done it. As well as chat to people like myself who are genuinely nervous/ excited about travelling.


few questions......

Going to do the starter week with oz intro in Sydney,is this worth while ?


How difficult will it be for me to get simple hostel type accommodation in Sydney?


How much will a young male traveler spend per week/ month on average in Sydney?


What cool places in Sydney are definitely worth a visit ?


look forward to your replies,


Thanks guys

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Welcome. Good luck with the move! You'll love Sydney, it's a beautiful city. I'll make some assumptions since you've said 'young and male' that you may enjoy the odd beer. Last time I was back in Australia it cost between $8-12 for a pint in a bar/pub. Depends where you go but alcohol is definitely more expensive in Australia than the UK. For tips on travel etc. when I was doing what you are in reverse ie. moving to the UK I found the Lonely Planet forum 'The Thorn Tree' to be a brilliant source of inspiration and tips. https://www.lonelyplanet.com/thorntree/forums/australasia-pacific-australia-new-zealand-antarctica

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Guest Guest40285

Mate can the Oz intro thing, waste of time, Get out there get amongst it, Hostels ago..go, fill ya boots, You will be fine, I hope your bringing plenty of cash, drinking is dear, @Mangoed is on the ball with the link. sydney is a great City with so much to do and see. If you go to the Rocks which no doubt you will end up one night, Please go to the Fortune of War pub, unreal. Happy days ole mate and have fun.

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