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Paediatric nurse - Qld job opportnities/advice please - general/NICU


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Hello All, I'm still training so although I'm not in a position to apply for visa, I have another year left I was wondering if anyone can give some advice on the job situation for paediatric only trained nurses?


I know there is a new children hospital being built in Brisbane, is this a new one running alongside the others so plenty of job opportunities coming up? or are the other two closing and merging into the new one so I expect more internal transfers than new openings?


I'm planning my reccie next year so have to get this right as I dont want to drag 3 children to an area for a reccie where I may not be able to gain employment in? I'm not planning on coming till I have the 12 months experience and will be on a permanent visa hopefully by then. I am also considering my elective, my heart is in Neonates but what are the job opportunities like for this for paed nurses? , am I better off getting some general ward experience which means probably changing my elective which is at my local NICU?


Lastly I've just gone through some old treads and there was a reply to someone about not getting Qld registration if only paed trained?? this is news to me and throwing me in a panic. Do queensland only recognise Adult/child trained nurses?


Thank you

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I'm told that two staff banks are merging and people are having to reapply for their jobs under the new unit, as a result people are in some cases switching roles.

I don't know if there are job losses but it's not very stable in terms of job security for specifiic roles as far as I am aware from a brief conversation with a paeds nurse I know there.

They also mentioned that there's a great deal of English and Irish nurses in the unit (so seems positive for registration?)

Of course it was just a chat so hearsay, I don't know for sure :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm told that two staff banks are merging and people are having to reapply for their jobs under the new unit, as a result people are in some cases switching roles.

I don't know if there are job losses but it's not very stable in terms of job security for specifiic roles as far as I am aware from a brief conversation with a paeds nurse I know there.

They also mentioned that there's a great deal of English and Irish nurses in the unit (so seems positive for registration?)

Of course it was just a chat so hearsay, I don't know for sure :)

Thank you Britpop :)

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