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Partner visa 820/801


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So a quick question. I am about to send everything off 1 month before the end of my second working holiday visa expires.

On the phone to the embassy I got told to send it 2 weeks before and another time I called someone else said give it 1 month before just so it gives them time to get my bridging visa sorted.


How long from posting it does it take them to start looking at your application? How long do you think I will be mailed my bridging visa? Last thing I want is to run out of time and be here illegally :S

onshore, no agent



Thank you!!

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So a quick question. I am about to send everything off 1 month before the end of my second working holiday visa expires.

On the phone to the embassy I got told to send it 2 weeks before and another time I called someone else said give it 1 month before just so it gives them time to get my bridging visa sorted.


How long from posting it does it take them to start looking at your application? How long do you think I will be mailed my bridging visa? Last thing I want is to run out of time and be here illegally :S

onshore, no agent



Thank you!!


Send off as soon as you are ready and qualify.

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Send off as soon as you are ready and qualify.



I'm just waiting on 1 document in the post. It should be here today or tomorrow but my plan was to send it by Monday 28th April. My visa expires 1st June.

Then I will send it with registered post.

I want to know how long it will take (if you've had experience with this) for them to contact me with my bridging visa?


Thank you

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People usually get their info regarding their bridging visa pretty quickly. Once the fee is taken and so on. Via email.


Do as Rupert has said and you should be fine. Your bridging visa won't kick in till your other visa expires anyways, so giving yourself a bit more time up front isn't a bad thing.

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I know my bridging visa won't kick in until the first of June but I just was a little bit worried of how long it will take them to actually look in my application. Hopefully it wont take a month.

But thank you very much :) hopefully it will be all good!!

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