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Want to give it a go


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My good lady, myself and 12 year old son really want to make the move to Aus, we presently have family in Melbourne but not sure if that city is for us (both of us big 50)


My lady is pre-post Childcarer and has been for many years and I am a Production manager used to managing large teams and units


Can anyone recommend best cities to look at on job front as I dont have a trade in my hands and am at the need of a sponsoring employer point in visa application.


Any views even if only stay in UK appreciated

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At 50 you may well find getting a PR visa almost impossible. A 457 is a temp working visa usually issued in 4 year chunks. It has various draw backs including being tied to the employer, and having 90 days to find another job or leave the country if you should find yourself out of work for any reason.


At your ages I would also be thinking about pension implications. If your child wants to think about Uni they will face international fees here in Aus (457 doesn't count as resident in that case) and if you spend three years or more out of the UK then return then it'll be international fees in the UK too - you have to meet UK residency requirements despite being citizens.

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Thanks for response and yep have found a range of visa issues which we have been working through. I have a good works pension from present employer which will kick in so that side is taken care of, but a valid point. We are the point with the UK of wanting out and have loved our time in Aus - no doubt working totally different to a months visit - and want to locate there for the future opportunites for our boy.

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