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What needs to be certified for visa application?


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Hi guys!! After a long wait for all my references to come in I'm finally ready to get my documents certified and sent off to anmac!! Was wondering, as it's so expensive for a notary to sign these, should I get stuff done for visa at the same time? What do I need? All our passports and birth Certs, marriage cert but what else do I need? It's for a 189 permenant residency visa!!


Any help much appreciated!!!


Bouncy x

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When we started the process we got the above colour copied and certified by our local pharmacist, he didn't charge anything. We also got every certificate certified too. Think that was it. Certificates, passport, any memberships to professional bodies and references.


Later on you will need pay slips or p45's or p60's.


Hope that helps

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Thanks kellie23! Do I need all my certificates for the visa application or will the LOD from anmac do for that?


so worried I'll forget something!!


I gave everything again as immigration make their own assessment. Immigration also accept colour scanned copies that aren't certified though, so if you forget something it should still be fine.

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It's interesting to see that colour copies don't need to be certified, that hopefully will save some money down the line.

You should note though (if the need arises) that making a colour scan or colour photocopy of a passport is illegal in the UK.

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So documents for visa don't need to be certified as long as they are colour copies!? Odd they don't require certification but skills assessment bodies etc do! So I'll get extra an extra black and white copies of our passports certified then upload the rest in colour!!


Should save have some money!! Thanks for the help x

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