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457 visa Extension / Renew Issue

Audlem In Oz

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Hopefully someone out there can help me with my dilemma please….

My husbands 457 visa is due to expire this coming September and We have been exploring options to continue working in Australia with the same sponsor had for the last 3.5years, BUT:

1. Existing 457 ANZSCO occupation does not reflect his role and it never has !! …as the immigration company and company sponsor applied for the wrong ANZSCO occupation category and we only found out once the visa was formally issued......and my company said not a problem / just a formality !

2. Not looking to spend all our days here in OZ, just another 12 months to finish out his project, so happy to simply renew 457 rather than go for PR.

3. If We go for a new 457 then should make sure the ANZSCO occupation is correct this time

…… So my questions are:



· If I go for a renewal or new 457 with the same employer, will IMMI.GOV want to check that I have been fulfilling the duties of the ‘wrong’ occupation, resulting in the cat being let out of the bag so to speak !

· Can I apply for a new visa under a different ANZSCO occupation i.e. the right one for my experience ??

· Can I apply for a new 457 before my existing one run out, or would my new 457 only be issued on expiry of my existing one ? Can you have more than one 457?

· Really want to take a new 457 now and make myself legitimate.

· If I go for PR I will not be able to use my wrong occupation as defined on my 457, as I will need to be assessed ?



Really would appreciate any advice be we speak to the companies HR dept ************************************************** ***********

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