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457 to 187

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Hi Everyone I have applied for a 187 Visa in September last year now we are getting it sorted but my employer is now making me redundant in June. Does anyone have any suggestions as I dont really want to return to U I am currently on a 457 visa which is like being in handcuffs as you are cuffed to the same employer!! Also does anyone know of a company that can employ a hard working 457 visa holder :)

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Hi there!


Very very difficult situation, sorry to hear! Your employer actually has the obligation to inform the Department of this redundancy after which they will initiate proceedings to cancel your 457 visa. Now, depending on the timing and Case Officer you have you may still be offered a few months to remain, especially if you manage to line up another job and let them know you are in the process of applying for another visa. However, this is in their discretion so it may happen more quickly.


As for the 187, I would strongly suggest that you withdraw the application because if your employer is no longer sponsoring you it will be refused and you will have that refusal on your application history. In addition, if it is refused you will find yourself subject to a bar which will prevent you from applying for most other visas while you are in Australia!


It is absolutely a difficult situation because you are bound to your employer with the 457 visa so I would strongly strongly suggesting acting very quickly to make sure you find a job lined up or the posibility of applying for a different type of visa before proceedings to cancel your 457 begin or your 187 is refused.


Claudia R

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