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So Im going to be studying carpentry at college for the next 3 years doing.....

level 1 carpentry and joinery diploma (1 year)

level 2 Site carpentry diploma (1 year)

level 3 carpentry and joinery construction diploma (1 year)


My tutor advised I will be a qualified carpenter after year 2, but does anyone know if this would get me a visa as a skilled immigrant to oz :)


If anyone has any advice whatsoever I would be very grateful.



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Hi Alister,

No, is the simple answear.

Firstly is your course a collage diploma or NVQ?, the college Diploma is slightly different (it gives you the foundation skills) and can be considered part of the NVQ, the NVQ is vocational and proves that you have a work based qualification.


For example, I did level 1 C&J then went on to do level 2 bench joinery, I was told that in order to be qualified as a joiner I would need to then do the NVQ route and gain the relevent work expeariance. It will be the same for you, studying up to level 3 in a trade is worth it as it will open more doors in the long run.


Check the immi website and TRA, Trades recignition Australia they can advise on how much expeariance you would gain in order to be classed as a qualified carpenter, in order to meet the immigration requirnments.



Most construction courses are 16hrs a week 2.5 days, study somthing along side this if you can, another trade, most trades men I know who dont struggle for work are multi skilled tradesmen.

If you cant study another trade, use the rest of the week to get some work expeariance even if you have to work 2-3 days a week for free, its work expeariance which means everything!! If you can't work on site, then try and get some work in a jonery workshop, until you have completed your level 1 and can work on site.


Hope that helps

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No worries.

It all depends on the college as to wether you can to the diploma and NVQ together, and wether you have the ability, At first you may find tutors arn't that interested, purly because they end up with allot of people on trade courses who are there purly because they have to stay in education until they are 18 and have no intrest in the course.

However, if you prove yourself and work hard they will bend over backwards for you, to help you get on and get the qualifications you need!!


Some collages run evening clases in construction skills, mainly for DIY purposes, but they will give you a bit of an insite and some basic skills, they are worth a try, I have done a few, they will give you an insite into what you are getting into and you may find another trade you like!!


Just give it a try

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