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Cost of living questions


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Would $60k take home be enough to live reasonable lifestyle in Darwin area, probably Palmerston/Durack? Thats $5k a month for house rental and probably two cars etc. Just myself working probably supporting wife and dependant adult daughter. Ideally 3 bed home so have spare room. Not a clue as to what fuel costs, ins, food etc costs are. Cheers

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Prices of Real estate are very high in Darwin, you can looking at this, for example, in realestate.au. I am not sure if 5k is enough for 3 bedrooms. Also fuel and food are higher than other cities. Have you already a job? Have you some facilities like car, assurance... I think it also depends of what visa you'll have.

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On $60k per year you may slightly struggle up here to rent a 3 bed in Palmo/Darwin area plus run 2 cars. The rent for a 3 bed place is anywhere from $550 upwards so that would be at least half your take home wage on the salary you mentioned.You would still have Electric rates to pay, though not as bad as people make out. I think they are on par with UK prices so not really a shock to us. It can be done dont get me wrong if you live within your budget, and depends on what visa you come on you could be eligible for family tax credits which are pretty nice up here plus rent assist too. Its a great life here in the territory and if you can survive till the other half goes back toi work you will not regret it in the long term.

any other questions bud, feel free to ask


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