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Marrying an Aussie and moving to Mel...


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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi and welcome to the forum. There are a few here who have done the same so should be able to help answer any of your questions.

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Good luck! I married my aussie 8 years ago and we are in the UK, but just starting to think about moving, and house has just gone on the market, so I guess I'll be on here a fair bit too! Keep us posted on the whole visa application process - I'm curious cos so many different views on here!!!!

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Hello and welcome to both of you. Good luck with it all. Am married to an Aussie and went through the process not that long ago. We also have a huge thread on off shore partner visas so have a browse of the more recent stuff in it.


There is something I am going to mention as it is catching a lot of UK/Aus couples out should they wish to return to the UK to live in the future (never say never and all that).


If your partner is eligible for UK citizenship they really should look to taking it out before you apply for your partner visa and move to Aus. Its a bit of money and can take 6 months or so but it can help save a lot of heartache in the future.




Basically if you wanted to return to live as a couple in the UK for whatever reason, you as the Brit would have to be able to sponsor the non UK partner and be earning over a set amount (and I think earning it for 6 months before you can apply), about £18,000. Without meeting the financial requirement or being able to stump up proof of funds of over about £64,000) you will be pretty much stuck to bring your spouse back to the UK to live.


Please make sure you are fully informed on this before you apply for the partner visa to Aus. If your partners have indefinate leave to remain in the UK this is ok to a point, but once you are residing out of the UK for X amount of time it will lapse and is not something you can just get back.

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Thanks, my OH is dual nationality (Aussie/Italian) and so has been in the UK on his EC nationality, something which he will keep forever, and so that's not an issue here, but thanks for the advice and no doubt other people reading it will find it useful as well.


I don't want to come back though LOL

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Thanks, my OH is dual nationality (Aussie/Italian) and so has been in the UK on his EC nationality, something which he will keep forever, and so that's not an issue here, but thanks for the advice and no doubt other people reading it will find it useful as well.


I don't want to come back though LOL


Being on an EU passport is great :) Gives you lots of options for the future too ;)

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