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matriculation score and degree grades help needed

Guest Sdavis654

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Guest Sdavis654

Hi there,


I'm currently waiting for my de facto visa to be granted so I can get back to OZ and make a start on building my life down under. While i'm eagerly waiting, i thought i would have a look at what jobs are available at the moment. I noticed with one job i saw, it asked for the matriculation score from high school and also something about an OP 6+ which (i think) was for a degree.


I'm from the UK so I hold 11 GCSE's and a first class honours degree...is this what the two are referring too?


Any help with this would be grateful and appreciated,



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There are no exams at 16 and therefore no equivilant to GCSE's in Australia and to make it more complicated each state has it's own system of university entrance gradings - OP (overall position) is Queensland's.


I wouldn't worry too much though as this is for entrance to university and once you have a degree no-one is going to be overly interested in your high school education. It sounds like you are over-qualified for the job you were looking at :)

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