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Hello! This is the first time I have posted so I am hoping I am doing this correctly! My husband and I are currently discussing the possibility of moving our family to Australia to live and work. I am struggling with where to start really and would be grateful for some pointers! I am a midwife and have completed the first assessment and now know that I have the possibility of 3 different types of visa. My next question would be do I try and find a job before applying for a visa or visa versa? Also my husbands brother and his family live there and have their citizenship already...would a sponsership from them be quicker? Help! Very confused.:chatterbox:

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Hello and welcome.


I can't help on the visa front but we do have a couple of long standing thread for nurses that might be of use






I'd think that there will be someone along soon with a reply re visa and so on as we have MW's posting on the forum :)


Good luck with it all.

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My next question would be do I try and find a job before applying for a visa or visa versa? Also my husbands brother and his family live there and have their citizenship already...would a sponsership from them be quicker? Help! Very confused.:chatterbox:


If one of the visas you're eligible for is a 189 Independent visa, I believe you should wait until you've at least received an invitation and lodged a visa application before looking for a job. Before then, given the unknown time frame for getting a visa, employers will be far less likely to make a firm offer of employment. If you wait until you actually have a permanent visa in hand, it will get even easier to find work as you can nominate a firm date when you will be available to start.


If you have enough points without family sponsorship, going for a family sponsored visa is not such a good idea.

a) It's only possible to get family sponsorship for a provisional visa and even then, only if the sponsor lives in a specified regional area (they can't live in Sydney, Newcastle, the Central Coast, Wollongong, Brisbane or the Gold Coast). You must then live in a regional area for at least 2 years and work in it for at least 1 year before you can apply for a permanent visa which will then take an unknown time to be granted.

b) The number of family sponsored visas is limited and it would take longer (probably much longer than an Independent visa).

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That's brilliant thanks! Yes one of the visas was the one you mentioned, so will start by Persuing that! I have looked and there aren't any joins advertised in the area we are looking at, at the moment so that solves the other question anyway lol! Thanks for your replies, if you have any other advice or helpful tips don't hesitate to tell me !

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