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Any advice gratefully received


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Hi All


Just looking for some differing opinions really. I put the house up for sale two weeks ago and have received an offer that is exactly what I want for it. Mr MtT is panicking however, as he keeps saying "what happens if he doesn't get his visa?". I can't see what grounds they could refuse the visa on, as we have kids etc, he's passed the medicals and he's passed the police checks. I think they would have a hard time proving that we weren't genuinely married after all this time and the number of kids that we have!


If we accept the offer, then we could well be homeless in 8-12 weeks with no visa and no house. If we don't accept the offer then we could wait for months for another buyer to come along. The buyers want to move in asap as they are first time buyers and in rented accommodation. Then of course, there is uni to consider as if we sell the house, the relatives live 300 miles away and therefore not really a commutable distance for me to travel. :arghh: Then of course there is Mr's job to consider. Should we sell up, he resigns, throw caution to the wind and become part of "Benefits Street" if the visa isn't granted?


I have so much going round in my head right now, it feels like flies buzzing in there (nothing new then). We could go for a short term rental up here for a month or two then spend the last 6 or so weeks with the relatives. This would ensure that Mr kept his job until the visa was granted. The other problem is that if he did hand in his notice and leave work 4 months or whatever before grant, then he would A) drive me potty and B) be bored mindless as he likes to keep himself busy.


Any initial feelings, ideas or opinions?


Thanks in advance xxx

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Guest guest30085

Can you not sell the house and go into rented, even if you have to take a six month rental agreement, that way OH can keep working (save some more money) and you can continue with your course. That way you've sold the house and allowing six months ensures that the visa should be granted by then? Would another six months really cause much of a problem?

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It's hubby Adonna, he wants to go in June of this year. There are various (personal) reasons, why we would prefer to go sooner rather than later that are too long winded to go into here, but a short term (8 week) rental would be the best thing for us. As far as uni is concerned, a couple of girls I know have said that I can have their spare room in the house they rent and actually rented a house in September that had a spare room for me and also my girls (who they all adore) in case the girls decided to go and stay for the weekend or I needed a place if the house sold, so where I will live isn't so much of an issue. I have options where the girls are concerned, as there are plenty of relatives both in UK and abroad that they can go and "holiday" with whilst the visa is waiting to be granted. The main problem is that hubby doesn't want to give up his job until the visa grant (understandable) and he will be bored out of his head if he is just sitting around twiddling his thumbs although one option is that he rents a room or stays with relatives up here (who can put 1 or 2 of us up but not all 5). My relatives have room for all us but there's the distance that's a problem. The estate agents that we are selling through do have short term rentals, but for me it's the hassle of changing addresses, bills etc for 2 or 3 months ( I know, I know, I'm lazy!!).

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And I should add, that really selling the house and renting aren't so much the problem but he's panicking that he might be refused his visa! I keep asking him WHY he thinks they would refuse his visa as they to have a reason, they can't just refuse on a whim - can they?


I don't know/haven't read of anyone in the situation where they've had kids, been married a long time, passed health and police checks and still been refused a visa so if anyone knows of this, I would appreciate being told as I thought they had to have a good reason for refusal.

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Just to update, hubby received an email from the CO today in reply to one he sent this morning in which he asked if she had everything she needed and could she confirm dates at all as an offer had been made on the house. She replied that she had everything and was looking to finalise the visa in May/June, which we already knew. She didn't however put that put in the email about not taking any irretrievable action such as selling the house, so perhaps that's positive!

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