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Recent Graduate of an Australian University in Australia, wanting ICT experience considered

Marcio Andre da Silva

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Hi! My ICT skills have been assessed to be suitable for migration under 263111 (Computer Network and Systems Engineer) of the ANZSCO Code.

I have more than 3 years ICT experience, but I haven't got yet my letters and other papers from my employees to recognize it in Australia. I've got my skills assessment because I have done a master of IT in Australia.

I have an AQF Bachelor Degree with a minor in computing which was completed in March 2004 in Brazil.

Does my experience counts for migration purposes as it was completed after the completion date of my AQF Bachelor Degree and before the completion date of my masters in 2013?

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  • 6 months later...

Hey! I will quote my ACS letter.


"Thank you for your ICT skills assessment which was received by the Australian Computer Society on 3

March 2014.

Your skills have been assessed to be suitable for migration under 263111 (Computer Network and

Systems Engineer) of the ANZSCO Code.

Your qualifications have been assessed as follows:

Your Master of Information Technology from Central Queensland University completed

October 2013 has been assessed as comparable to an AQF Master Degree with a major in


Your Information Technologist from Centro Universitario da Cidade completed March 2004 has

been assessed as comparable to an AQF Associate Degree with a major in computing

The following employment after October 2013 is considered to equate to work at an appropriately

skilled level and relevant to 263111 (Computer Network and Systems Engineer) of the ANZSCO Code.

Dates: 04/07 - 11/10 (3yrs 7mths)

Position: Senior Information Security Analyst

Employer: Telefonica Brasil S/A

Country: BRAZIL

Please note that the Department of Immigration and Border Protection reserves the right to undertake

further investigation regarding your skilled employment experience.

While the ACS is authorised to assess ICT skills assessments, the final decision in awarding points

remains with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

This assessment is based upon the documents provided. By issuing this letter or otherwise, the ACS

makes no representation regarding:

• The authenticity of documentation provided or the veracity of content.

• The suitability of the applicant for migration or employment.

This assessment is valid for a period of 24 months from the date of this letter.

The ACS thanks you for your application and looks forward to assisting you with your future as an ICT



I hope it helps.

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