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I'm planning on moving over to Australia in January 2015, I'm currently working and saving to make this happen. Once I move I will have nothing to move back to so I desperately need to make a go of it. I am a qualified car spray painter although I only done the job for 3 years currently I drive a forklift in a warehouse. I know that spray painters were on the skills list at one point but when I looked recently I couldn't find it again, does anyone know if its been removed? I'm unsure of what visa to get also I was going to get 12 month working holiday and try to get sponsored but not sure what's the best way. Any advice will be helpful thank you.

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I'm planning on moving over to Australia in January 2015, I'm currently working and saving to make this happen. Once I move I will have nothing to move back to so I desperately need to make a go of it. I am a qualified car spray painter although I only done the job for 3 years currently I drive a forklift in a warehouse. I know that spray painters were on the skills list at one point but when I looked recently I couldn't find it again, does anyone know if its been removed? I'm unsure of what visa to get also I was going to get 12 month working holiday and try to get sponsored but not sure what's the best way. Any advice will be helpful thank you.


Vehicle Painter has been removed from the SOL, but is still on the CSOL - so could only help you get a sponsored visa: https://www.acacia-au.com/anzsco/324311.php

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Guest guest30085

If spray painter is on any of the state sponsorship lists, then you could be sponsored by a state. I haven't looked recently, but if you search for each state's list you will be able to check. I'm sure it was on WA's list, although that may have changed.


So for CSOL, you either need employer or state sponsorship.

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Guest guest30085



Yep, vehicle painter is on the WA list still. But these lists are subject to change. If you can pass the skills assessment (which is through TRA) and can reach 60 points then you could apply for a 190 permanent residency visa sponsored by WA. It may also be on other state lists.

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Thank you, so would I have to find a sponsor before entering the country or could I still travel to Australia on a working holiday visa and get sponsored once I had found a job?


You would be better going for the 190 visa option but you could travel on a WHV and hope to find a sponsor when you are there - it would likely only be on a temporary visa though (457)

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