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Midwives , I don't live wearing rose tinted glasses but do you feel the same in Oz?

manchester lass

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I wondered if any midwives in Oz could read this and let me know how you feel. i know it is going be busy I don't believe that the pressure at work changes when it comes to health careers but I am just interested in your views really. Midwifery in the UK vs midwifery in Australia'


thanks in advance



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Guest The Pom Queen

I'm not a midwife and no nothing about the job (apart from you deliver babies) however, I have known 4 midwives move over to Melbourne and they did struggle because they say they are not as much hands on over here and the Drs (specialists) deliver the babies. Now I don't know if that's just their hospital, Victoria or Australia full stop so I hope someone can come along and answer your questions.

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I am a midwife (not is Aus yet) and I have a friend who is a mw out there. Private hospitals you are more like an obstetric nurse as women have obstetricians, even the low risk women. Public hospitals are the same as the UK, however I hear Aus is about 10yrs behind the UK In many ways, such as there are very few home births which is disappointing. In general I don't think mw's suture in Aus either which I find a bit strange, they get the doctors to do it, although this might not be everywhere!

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The reason they are not so hands on here is because of our health system, we have the private system and the public system and the Australian Medical Association does not like to let go of any skill to nurses that they can earn a fee for. So hence docs do suturing, my gp takes my stitches out if she is around. In fact Australians are very used to doctors doing everything and especially in the birth department. Home births are not pushed here and there has been bad press around about them due to problems in the area. We have birthing suites and its really up to the mum what they want. As we have a lot of older mums these days and therefore they have had careers before children they opt for the obstetrician and private health a lot. So its very different here. Even in emergency for a cut on my toe had to wait for a doc to come and suture it for me. Its what aussies want basically, the gov wants to change all that but they are going to have an up hill battle to change peoples minds here.

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