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Taking the plunge.....Scotland to WA....hopefully!


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Good Day All,


New to the forum and looking forward to some good discussions and advice!Aft


er finally discussing and researching at length, my girlfriend and I have decided that Australia offers a better lifestyle and opportunity for us and our future together. We are both UK citizens living in Scotland.


My girlfriend is a qualified Architect and I work in Logistics for the Oil and Gas industry. Although I have over 5 years experience and in a mid-senior level position within the company (who do not have any Australian interests) I do not have any post secondary school education. My job doesn't require any formal qualification either, just hard work from the bottom up!


With this in mind we feel that the 190 state sponsored visa is the best route to go with my girlfriend as the main applicant and myself as her de facto partner.


Her job is on the WA and NSW CSOL for those regions.


We feel that WA is the best place for us given the Oil and Gas related positions that exist for myself.


There and thousands of posts on this forum and finding the most useful info is difficult.


Can anyone offer any thoughts on the above? Are we going down the right route? Does anyone have an understanding of the timings after the EOI is approved?


Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.



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