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Hello all newbie here , 24yr old single male currently living in Hull, my current job is a "Truckie" and I'm really interested in moving over to oz but I understand I could only go on a working visa with the job I do wich is a bummer!! Anyways some good reading on here I look forward to speaking to you lot more often, take care



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Hi Nathan,


You're 24 and single so you have lots of options.


The obvious one is a working holiday visa - this allows you to live and work in Australia for 12 months (& up to 24 if you do the required rural/agricultural work) in any job you can get - you can only work for 6 months for the same employer.


To get permanent residency you do need to pass a skills assessment in a trade or professional on the skilled occupation list http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/sol/ and I'm not sure where 'truckie' would fit in but you do not need to necessarily do that job once you get there.


If you don't have a skill on the lists then at 24 you're young enough to retrain - there may even be options to do so in Australia.


Just bear in mind any kind of temporary visa (whether a temporary work visa or a student visa) only allows you to stay for a while and there is no guaranteed route to PR - don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


If I was you'd I'd get yourself to Oz for two years and see how it works out from there.


BTW you said you live in Hull but noting your user name are you from the Boro originally?

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Hi Nathan,


You're 24 and single so you have lots of options.


The obvious one is a working holiday visa - this allows you to live and work in Australia for 12 months (& up to 24 if you do the required rural/agricultural work) in any job you can get - you can only work for 6 months for the same employer.


To get permanent residency you do need to pass a skills assessment in a trade or professional on the skilled occupation list http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/sol/ and I'm not sure where 'truckie' would fit in but you do not need to necessarily do that job once you get there.


If you don't have a skill on the lists then at 24 you're young enough to retrain - there may even be options to do so in Australia.


Just bear in mind any kind of temporary visa (whether a temporary work visa or a student visa) only allows you to stay for a while and there is no guaranteed route to PR - don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


If I was you'd I'd get yourself to Oz for two years and see how it works out from there.


BTW you said you live in Hull but noting your user name are you from the Boro originally?


Hey yeah I'm still young and once I've payed off some bills (next year) I might see what I could retrain as , I worked in steelworks as a loading shovel driver for a few months and I took to it like a duck in water so maybe I could try and get in the mining industry, I have never been to oz before but the reason I would like to go is for the weather and lifestyle , I know what 40c is like as when I was in Iraq/Kuwait it was usually mid 40s and I got used to it after a couple of weeks. The only thing that puts me off a bit is the animals , well the dangerous ones lol, but I wouldn't let a few snakes etc ruin my chances of a better life. And yeah I'm originally from boro been living in hull for the last 6months or so now :)

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There's a lot of young men head out hoping to secure a mining job and it's not that easy without direct experience - there's a guy on here VeryStormy also from the Boro who I'm sure would be willing to give you some pointers - message him if he doesn't see your post (& say I suggested it :)) The streets aren't paved with gold that's for sure.


The lifestyle is questionable too but serving in Iraq/Kuwait would have prepared you well for that & it definitely funds a great lifestyle out of work.

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There's a lot of young men head out hoping to secure a mining job and it's not that easy without direct experience - there's a guy on here VeryStormy also from the Boro who I'm sure would be willing to give you some pointers - message him if he doesn't see your post (& say I suggested it :)) The streets aren't paved with gold that's for sure.


The lifestyle is questionable too but serving in Iraq/Kuwait would have prepared you well for that & it definitely funds a great lifestyle out of work.


Thanks I'll give him a shout, and yeah I've heard it's not easy too get a job and it's not all what it's made out to be , but I enjoyed driving the loader from my time in the steelworks I understand a lot of it is FIFO not too sure how it all works just got a rough idea. Thanks do you replies anyhow :D

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