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ACS considered less work experience

Soumen Paul

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According to the “summary of criteria” and “skill assessment guideline” two years which is my job role in XXXX Sdn Bhd from 11/06 - 01/09 (2yrs 2mths) would satisfy the “suitability criteria”. Next two employments in YYYY Ltd and ZZZZ Limited from 02/09 to 10/13 (4yrs 8mths) would be considered “Skilled Employment”.


Below is the assessment done by ACS.

The following employment after December 2010 is considered to equate to work at an appropriately skilled level and relevant to 262113 (Systems Administrator) of the ANZSCO Code.


Dates: 11/06 - 01/09 (2yrs 2mths)

Position: Customer Engineer

Employer: XXXX Sdn Bhd



Dates: 02/09 - 04/13 (4yrs 2mths)

Position: Senior Operations Engineer

Employer: YYYY Ltd



Dates: 04/13 - 10/13 (0yrs 6mths)

Position: Consultant

Employer: ZZZZ Limited



How can I reclaim for my experience from January 2009 to October 2013 (4yrs 9mths) which they have considered from January 2011.

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