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could use some advice on moving to Melbourne

scott pett

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Hi there, I am verry interested in emigrating to Australia and I am looking for as much information as possible.* I am a time served plumber in Scotland with a wife and two kids. I am fed up with the lack of work here and being in and out of jobs and I feel that I could make a better life in Australia for my family.* I have been looking on the Internet at different forums and found alot of controversy over plumbers earnings and cost of living for a family of four. We would be looking at moving to the outskirts of Melbourne and have been looking at four bed houses at roughly 400-450 a week. I am not sure how much I would be able to make per month and how much on average it costs a family of four to live per month. Any advice on this and the best way to go about emigration would be great. Thanks.....scott

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Welcome to the forum, there is a lot of information in the Jobs and Careers section of the forum. Are you talkingn about mortgage repayments per month, as the amounts you mentioned can be a good rental amount for a week here.


The outer areas are cheaper and you can probably find a rental in the 3 hundreds a week depending on how far out you live. My daughter's friend rents in Rosebud which is on the Peninsula, nice house for three twenty a week for example.


Plumbers do seem to have a hardish time and hope that a plumber comes along to give you all the gen.


Join up with the Life in Victoria forum there is a link at the foot of this one. A lot of the members have arrived during the last 12 to 18 months so they will be able to give you the info you are looking for.


Good luck

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