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Looking for people to do farm work with


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Have you tried looking at the national harvest trail? I have a few links on my blog that may lead you in the right direction to get farm work. From my own recent experience and of others, I think Queensland is your best bet.


getting farm work that pays by the hour, it usually depends on what in season, some stuff is picked at contracted rate other things at hourly. Your best way to get hourly work would be to work directly for the farmer on his farm.


if it helps the followings things are paid hourly that I have done




Water Melons








However these have all finished in Queensland or near to finished, so I dont think they will be of too much help, but in case any reads in the future.

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i've just recently posted a similar thread to this. 24 f from manchester, lived in nz for two years and currently stuck in sydney looking for payed farm work pretty much anywhere in aus. willing to go halves on a car, as this seems a must with most roles. not looking to pay an agency to find work for me (taw.com.au for example is $69 for six months membership) but would also be willing to go halves on that to get the information if necessary.

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