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Sorry another Pet Transport Question! Help!

Aunt Agatha

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How do you find out which airlines to use please? Ideally I'd like to transport our three cats from Brisbane to Newcastle Upon Tyne (so most likely Emirates via Dubai) and have my parents pick them up at the airport but for some reason I assumed that you had to send pets into London first - did I make that up or do they have to go via London to clear customs? Do I need to contact the airlines or do I just tell the pet carrier companies where I want them to go and they know what's what?


Also, is it better to try and get pets on the same flight as you or send them a day or two early?


I know I must sound a bit hopeless but I've got Glandular Fever at the moment and can't think straight! I have set myself the task of sorting out the pet stuff today and I can't quite get my head around it. Feel free to talk s l o w l y to me! :biggrin:

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I think the way it works is that the pet transport companies have contracts with specific airlines (more than one in some cases) and therefore if you have a particular route you want to take then it's a case of ringing around the pet transport agents and asking if they can do that route.


Not all airports do have facilities for receiving live animals - somewhere on the UK Border Agency website there is a detailed list of the airlines/airports that do. I've just had a quick look and couldn't find it but google is your friend :) Edinburgh certainly can as that's where we were heading - I don't know about Newcastle.


I would send your pet to arrive the day after you - the last thing you need after a long flight is waiting for the customs clearance - we were waiting 9 hours, 5 is quite normal.

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Thank you so much for your reply Lady R. I feel quite confident about organising the rest of the move but for some reason my head explodes when it comes to the pet stuff. I didn't realise the wait to clear customs would be so long, that would be awful with two little kids in tow - thanks for the tip!

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I think they should be able to sort it for you. We requested quotes for my parents to collect from either Glasgow or Edinburgh and both companies came up with Glasgow (which was good as I would like them to have as short a journey as possible). I'm sure lots of airports can deal with pets, especially as quarantine is not required.


We are thinking of sending ours about a week or so before us (to my parents) as I think packing up the house etc may be easier without cats around, especially if we end up staying with friends/hotel if we end up leaving our rental a bit in advance of flights...


There is so much to think about isn't there!!?

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Thanks Lynne, that's a good point about packing up etc. We are thinking we might have to rent an apartment for a week as there is bound to be some cross over with leaving our rented house and that wouldn't be possible with cats. It's all a bit of a brain drain! I think getting the timing of everything right is going to be one of the hardest things.

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