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any TEENs moving to Australia?


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Hi just seeing if any teens are moving to/allready in Australia:'). I'm 16, 17 when ill be moving in August, exited about moving but really weird not being able to see any of my freinds here in the UK and not even knowing anyone when i move:/.

Anyone elts in my situation?:'

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We're moving to Coomera, Gold Coast. It's about 45 mins from Brisbane. Our daughter will be hopefully going to the University of Qld in Brisbane. You could start checking out FB pages for the area your locating to. They're

really good for info on soccer clubs etc.. In the local area. I'm sure your'll meet loads of new mates.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In our area (rural NSW) our 15, 17 and 18 year olds found the locals incredibly friendly and welcoming. Get used to being asked to say yoghurt, data and vitamin a lot, and have all the girls saying "I love your accent"

My family use Skype and facebook a lot to keep in touch. To be honest though, all my 18 year old's friendship group have really broken up since they finished school and started jobs, university and the like, and she tends to be the one passing on the news from one to another of them.

ZK2102, my daughter is starting UQ next month. It is a lovely university on a great site. She will be staying in a college (what we call a hall of residence in the UK) on campus. All the best with your moves both of you. They normally have an open day early in August, and it is well worth going to this if you are over here by then. Have you seen the tables they use to convert A Level grades to the Australian equivalents? There are several different versions around depending on the university, but 3 A Level B grades equates to an ATAR of 91 at UQ, and will get onto most courses.

Connor I agree it is worth finding out what sports are played in the area you are going to. Could be Aussie rules, rugby (both called football here), football (called soccer), cricket or hockey. Joining a team is a great way to get to know others, and again they will probably be very welcoming if they are anything like the ones around here.

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Yeah i have heard everyone is welcoming over there, and i love the Australian accent its brilliant! got alot of friends telling me i'm going to be talking like them in no time haha. I have had people on this site which told me that there are no A levels? its just a HSC which i have to do when i get over there , then go to a TAFE and do a course there. And yes i have looked at doing a lifeguard qualification over there , scene as i'm a really good swimmer, but the price of doing it seem just the same as doing it in the UK so debating whether to get it done here in the UK , or over in Australia where i can meet people.

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