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189 VISA de facto relatioship queries!

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Question about 189 visas.

My partner and I have been together for over 4 years now. We are both veterinarians that have studied and are now working as veterinarians in Australia. (still under student visa 573 subclass).

We would like to apply as myself being the primary applicant and her coming under my visa (to help us save $1,700). We easily meet the points threshold required for the EOI.

My question pertains to our evidence, and whether it would be sufficient.

We didn't have a joint lease for our unit we rented for a 2 year period. However all bills came to the one address for her and I. Could we use that, or would DIAC think that not to be enough since both our names aren't on the statements? She has also been a secondary card holder on my credit card for nearly a year (as of Feb, 2014 it will be one year). We have taken several holidays together to various countries and i have all their itineraries, along wit heaps of photos. We do now have a joint back account, as of Nov, 2013, and our new lease agreeemnt from Dec, 2013 but clearly still less than a year.

We would also have electricity and water bills (though they were both under her from the previous 2 years), but could also provide my car insurance as proof of the same living address.

We can also easily get people as referees and write as much as is needed.

Would this fly or is not even worth our applying as defacto partners? Our other option is to each apply separately for the 189 visa (since we are both eligible).

Do you think it would take heaps of time to be accepted if we go defacto given all that i have stated above?


With thanks.

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If anyone has any ideas on this, I too would be happy to hear them. I am also applying for the 189 with de facto partner. I am able to show joint savings accounts and mortgage statements though dating back 4 years. I wanted to know if we would still need to have these 'witness statements' from common friends???


Sorry to butt in on your thread - thought i'd bump it back up to the top :)

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