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Claiming points for skilled employment - 3 year anniversary


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Hi all

A quick question on claiming points for skilled employment. I submitted a 189 application on 16 December with the following points breakdown (65 in total):


Age 30

IELTS 10 (7.0 on the dreaded writing)

Degree 15 (Bachelors assessed as equivalent by skills assessment authority)

Australian employment 10 (3 years on a 457)


My concern is around the Australian employment. My skills assessment authority (the ICAA) confirmed that my current job is relevant to my nominated application (Accountant – General) for the purposes of awarding points. However, the potential banana skin is that I requested the assessment before my 3 year anniversary (thinking the assessment would take longer than it did), so my assessment letter shows an employment period from 22 November 2010 to 11 November 2013 (11 days short of 3 years). Importantly, I waited until 6 December (AFTER the 3 year anniversary) before submitting my EOI, as I know that the crucial issue is being able to support claims made in your EOI at the time of applying.


I have proved that am still in the same employment with my last payslip (dated after the anniversary), and can provide a new reference with today’s date if needed, but am worried that my official skills assessment letter covers an employment period of less than 3 years, even though I had the 3 years in the bag when submitting the EOI.


Hopefully I’m right in thinking the CO will look at date of EOI – is having your skilled employment assessed even necessary? Any advice appreciated (again!)



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