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costs of visa


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I wondered if anyone could point out what I was missing in relation to the visa pricing...


If for the 189 visa I select 1 additional over 18 and 3 under 18s I am told the price in AUD is $7920 however if I change this to GBP I get told it is £5655. This is according to the immi.gov website.


However, using the current rates it would appear $7920 is approximately £4392.


Which would I get charged during the application? £4392 or £5655?

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you would get charged your credit card provider's exchange rate for overseas purchases, you should be able to find out what it is currently on their website or ring them to find out. The immi website is a guide but the exchange rate has greatly improved in the last few months so is no longer accurate.

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Brilliant, thanks that's good news! I started having doubts as to whether or not they charged applications from the UK more. It certainly has decreased the overall cost especially since the HUGE increase in cost for dependants...


Don't go by the Immi one, I had exactly the same panic!!

we used xe.com to exchange and that was accurate for the amount that actually came off my card. We had 2 adults and 1 under 18. We got charged £108 charge a

couple of days later by our card issuer x

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