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417 Visa - Travel Insurance vs Health Insurance vs Medicare?


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Hi all! I'm heading off the Aus for a year in January 2014, and I'm struggling to make sense of the info on the web regarding the best option to go with. Being from the UK, I understand I can get a medicare card when I get over there.

I thought travel insurance would be very easy but my plan was the learn to ride a motorbike in Aus, which means none of the policies will cover me without a full uk bike license from the start, which I can't get in the timeframe. Whereas health insurance would fix that issue. However, with health insurance being much more expensive, is it worth getting if i can use medicare? And if a policy says they wont cover things that aren't covered by medicare, is there any point in getting it?


Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!

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I just got travel insurance when I was on my working holiday visa (Post Office one I think) & signed up to Medicare as soon as I arrived. Just make sure you sign up for Ambulance cover also (I pay $10 a quater) as this is not covered by Medicare & you would receive a hefty bill should you require it uncovered. But the Medicare/Public system here has been much the same as the NHS in my experience. For some reason people think that you will be billed for emergency medical expenses even under Medicare but that is not true. You might have a wait for investigations/treatments, same as the UK, but I have received quick & efficient care in every instance since arriving in Aus. You just have to make sure you see a 'bulk billing' doctor otherwise you will be expected to pay the bill & Medicare will reimburse some of it.

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