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Am I eligible for 189 or 190?


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After much frustration, I managed to get 7's in IELTS. So far my points score looks like this:


Age: 30


Bachelors in Electrical Engineer: 15 (Do to personal issues, it took me twice as long to complete this but nevertheless I've a degree now)

Work experience: 0 (Have no relevant experience as I was doing a string of odd jobs while I was completing my degree)


That brings the total score to 55. I am trying to get higher scores in IELTS but I am not too hopeful. I've a couple of questions:


1) Will Engineers Australia accept my qualifications as an Electrical Engineer seeing as I needed nearly 8 years to complete it?

2) Last time I checked the rules for skilled migration, I remember reading about a clause that says that I must have at least 12 months of relevant experience in the last 2 years. Is that still true?

3) Do DIAC accept academic IELTS?

4) I need state sponsorship to get the pass mark. WA has Electrical Engineers on their list. I didn't find any requirement for relevant work experience so hoping to be picked up by WA but not too sure if they'll want someone fresh out of college, so to speak.


Is there any other way to increase my chance of succeeding? Are the rules going to change again in 2014? They changed twice since I first started thinking of moving to Australia. Thanks a ton, I am extremely glad I found this forum.

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Welcome! This is a great forum to get lots of advice from people who are going through or have been through exactly the same process you're going through now.


I'll answer what I can...

1) I don't see why not as they are assessing you on whether you have a relevant qualification

2) we didn't but I'm not sure if that will be the case for your occupation

3) Yes DIAC will accept the academic IELTS

4) Relevant work experience is not always required although I don't know how WA select one person over another for States sponsorship - I would think it would be something like highest point first and in application order.


I would send off for your skills assessment providing you have evidence of everything needed and whilst the assessment is being undertaken retake the IELTS. Are you taking the academic IELTS because it's a requirement of your skills assessment? If so have you met the criteria for your skills assessment by obtaining 7's? Reason I ask is that if this is the case don't resit the academic IELTS, sit the general as you have met the criteria for your skills assessment. DIAC will accept the general IELTS for points so by sitting the general you may be able to obtain the the magic 8!


Finally, DIAC change the rules all the time so who knows what they will change next!


Good luck and hope this helps you :biggrin:



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1) Will Engineers Australia accept my qualifications as an Electrical Engineer seeing as I needed nearly 8 years to complete it?

2) Last time I checked the rules for skilled migration, I remember reading about a clause that says that I must have at least 12 months of relevant experience in the last 2 years. Is that still true?

3) Do DIAC accept academic IELTS?

4) I need state sponsorship to get the pass mark. WA has Electrical Engineers on their list. I didn't find any requirement for relevant work experience so hoping to be picked up by WA but not too sure if they'll want someone fresh out of college, so to speak.


Is there any other way to increase my chance of succeeding? Are the rules going to change again in 2014? They changed twice since I first started thinking of moving to Australia. Thanks a ton, I am extremely glad I found this forum.


1) Be very careful with this aspect. Engineers Australia have strict guidelines and it very much depends on whether your qualification is on the Sydney or Washington accord or if you go down the CDR route it can get quite complicated. Just because it's a bachelor degree, it doesn't mean they will assess it as at the required level for a professional engineer and may assess you as a technologist instead.

2) No

3) Yes - But you can also take the easier general training IELTS for points purposes

4) State lists and requirements change constantly. Better to concentrate on the skills assessment first

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Thanks for all the replies. I did practice tests for Academic and General and found that the Academic version to be easier (Reading and Writing). I'll give the general version a try this time around.


I'll send in my application for skills assessment.


I was told by a local agent that having a Masters degree helps with the points but I couldn't find any information regarding that in booklet 6. Is there any truth to that statement?

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I was told by a local agent that having a Masters degree helps with the points but I couldn't find any information regarding that in booklet 6. Is there any truth to that statement?


They were probably referring to the Engineers Australia assessment. A lot of bachelor degrees need a period of CPD before they will be considered at the required level. A Masters degree would be an example of this CPD.


in terms of points it doesn't help at all.

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