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Wind turbines


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Hi all,

I thought I'd throw this out there for wind turbine information.


I myself work with wind turbines in the Uk and it's always a hard subject to find information on or jobs anywhere in the world. Through my searches I rarely find memorable information. So if like me you are looking to work in oz with turbines, or if your already working in oz with turbines then post away and let's see what comes up.


Personally I have been working in the Uk offshore wind power for around 4 years now, I've tried my hand at service, projects and installation and I've worked my way up from a wet behind the ear trainee, through to a competent technician.

I'm office based now as an offshore installation commissioning supervisor and love my job as much as the day I started!! The only thing I'd change is my location!


Lets see what information on wind turbines in Australia we can collect on here for like minded people in similar situations.


Here's a few things to get the conversations flowing


Size of turbines (MW), height, blades.

locations of turbines.

Power company's.

Installation company's.

Experience of working on or construction of these in Australia.

Comparisons between Uk and Australian wind energy

who is hiring in Australia and what sectors service , construction ?


Thanks Daniel

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We have wind farms in most States so just google and you will find all the information you need. The farmers either love them because they get lots of cash every year for having them on their land or they hate them because they disturb the cows.


They are not allowed to be built close to people like they are in the UK but then we do have a lot of land here.


One of our local pubs has one and its going some of the time and I have never heard it so I guess a lot complain about nothing.

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