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Starting our WHV in Melbourne Jan 2014


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Hi guys!


Learnt so much from having a read of the forum, very helpful! Thank you!


We are a couple from the UK and will be flying into Melbourne to start our working holiday visas at the end of January, really looking forward to it :)


Was just wondering if anyone could recommend a place to stay in Melbourne? We are not too sure how long we will be staying in the city yet as we are quite eager to get out and start doing some farm work. If anyone can give us some advice on farm work around Melbourne we would be very grateful :D


Thanks in advance!!

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My partner and I came out last January to Melbourne on a WHV and stayed in st kilda to start with in the ritz hostel. It's the cleanest and most social one we've stayed at. If you want to stay in the city try discovery, apparently is ok and pretty cheap too. We did our farm work in Hoddles Creek which is about an hour from Melbourne and we worked for easy pickings australia, picking berries, they have a facebook page so you check it out and there should be work around that time too.

Melbourne's awesome, Have fun!

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Thanks for your replies :) Will have a look at the hostels and easy pickings Australia facebook page!


Which was the easiest way for you to find farm work? Did you just look on HarvestTrail, Gumtree etc? I think we plan on staying in Melbourne for about a week and would then want to start some farm work, hopefully we can find something :D Can't wait!!

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Yeh you get picked up and dropped back off at ringwood each day. We still work on the farm and live in Lilydale, which is in the Eastern Subarbs of Melbourne but many people stay in the city. It's a good place to work considering the amount of horror stories I've heard about farming!

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Ah cool! Yeah that would be awesome :) We are actually landing in Melbourne on the 2nd January now, booked flights yesterday, can't wait :D We have booked in to stay at Space Hotel for a week, checked out the hostels in St Kilda but preferred the look of Space Hotel. Not got any plans set in stone yet for after the first week but hopefully will be getting involved with some farm work, do you have any plans?

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Actually, I have fd there and he have a Chinese restaurant near by St, kilda. Yes, I know everybody say don’t work in Chinese restaurant, but I don’t need to worry about my first step first, right? Well, we will see what will happen! So what is your plan? Will you work in farm? But be careful.I watched this news about work in farm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpVMDKAmfxU

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Actually,I have fd there and he have a Chinese restaurant near by St, kilda. Yes, I know everybody say don’t work in Chinese restaurant, but I don’t need to worry about my first step first, right? Well, we will see what will happen! So what is your plan? Will you work in farm? But be careful. I watched many bad news about work in farm.

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Yeh we work for the farmer now, and supervise. Saving up to go travelling in our 2nd year, it's sooo easy to stay in Melbourne coz its such a cool city! Work normally starts at 7am and finishes when all the picking is done, normally between 3.30 and 5pm. If you're staying in the city you can catch a train from flinders street station to get you to ringwood in time for the boss man to pick you up. We found our digs on gumtree, it's super cheap compared to living in the city and only an hour to the CBD on the train. Have you liked the easy pickings fb page? It's always good to express your interest ASAP and then when you arrive in Melbs send the application form from the website. We have a real laugh at work, and go to the pub most days so you must like beer haha! Where abouts in the UK are you from??

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Clover Lau, I'm sure working in a Chinese restaurant will be fine and like you say at least you got something to start with! Yeah we plan to spend a week in Melbourne just getting settled and then finding some farm work, really can't wait to get working again! We have been travelling around SE Asia for 3 months now and got another 1 month and a bit to go, will be nice to earn money again! Yeah I'v e seen a few things on problems with farm work but I think with the help of this forum and being careful we should be ok :D


Thanks for your message Yaz, very helpful :) Yeah we were hoping to move out of the CBD after the first week and find somewhere cheaper to live so will have a look on gumtree. And like you say being close to Melbourne would be really good as you can always go into town on your days off. Haven't liked the page yet but will do now and put a quick post on there, thanks for the advice! Hopefully we can make something happen, easy pickings sounds amazing! We are both from Manchester, where are you from?

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