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Who pays for cost of 457 visa

jt spark

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I am in the process of seeking a 457 employer sponsored visa,just been checking on the costs involved and want to know if I have to pay for all the costs of visa or is it down to employer,or do we split costs between us,any information would be appreciated.

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Think it depends. We had ours paid for by the company plus a few other extras, car hire for the first couple of weeks, flights.


others have had the visa, flights, accommodation, relocation. Tbh if we had known we would have tried for some of these things too.


must admit I'm surprised when people have paid their own visas...at the end of he day the company are taking you on because the cant find anyone suitable in Australia.


Thats being said after recent changes it does now cost a lot more for a 457. Before it was only the main applicant they had to pay for, now its spouse and siblings too.

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