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Catch up in/around North NSW (Pottsville area)

Team Edwards

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We moved out to Australia 11 weeks ago, we moved to Pottsville (North NSW) and absolutely love it! We are in our mid-30's with 3 kids age 6, 5 and 2! Meeting some lovely people but always open to meeting more!


Be good to hear from you if you are in/around the North NSW Coast.



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My partner and I might be moving up to the area in the next two months. I have a third interview next week for a job at Knockrow. We haven't been to the Byron Bay Area since our back packing days over 10 years ago so hoping it hasn't changed too much. We have been living in Sydney for 3 years now and we are really ready to get out of the city.


Can you suggest any nice places to look for a rental property with easy commute to Knockrow?


How are you finding it living in a quiet area? Our pubbing and clubbing days are behind us (both 36) but have you found it easy to meet people and find things to do? Part of the reason for wanting to leave Sydney is the lack of community spirit here, our immediate neighbours on both sides don't even say hello!

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We moved out to Australia 11 weeks ago, we moved to Pottsville (North NSW) and absolutely love it! We are in our mid-30's with 3 kids age 6, 5 and 2! Meeting some lovely people but always open to meeting more!


Be good to hear from you if you are in/around the North NSW Coast.




Hey there,


We have lived in Pottsville for nearly a year now and also loving it. My husband is working away in the mines 3 weeks out if 4 but be great to catch up with you at some stage. Always great to meet new people and see how you are getting on! We have two boys at Pottsville school age 10 and 7.




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Hi there,


Hope the job interview went well?!


To be honest I am not familiar with Knockrow, I had to google earth it! Byron is still fab but I think it's a lot busier than 10 years a go! We are also backpacking 10 years ago too! There are more brand shops now (quicksilver, billabong etc) but it still has it's cool hippy shops that are Byron all over! We are about 25 mins from Byron.


As for living in a quieter area. I love it and wouldn't have it any other way. It was a conscious decision of ours to live close (ish) to the Gold Coast and Brisbane but not in it, we didn't want to live in an overly touristy area. Making friends hasn't been easy but at the same not impossible. You have to make it happen so to speak and put yourself out there. I've started to meet some lovely people over the last couple of weeks so long may it continue!


I hope it all goes well for. If you do make it this way, give me a yell and we could meet for coffee or something. Pre-warn you though, 3 kids in tow so it wont be overly relaxing!!!!!


Good luck



My partner and I might be moving up to the area in the next two months. I have a third interview next week for a job at Knockrow. We haven't been to the Byron Bay Area since our back packing days over 10 years ago so hoping it hasn't changed too much. We have been living in Sydney for 3 years now and we are really ready to get out of the city.


Can you suggest any nice places to look for a rental property with easy commute to Knockrow?


How are you finding it living in a quiet area? Our pubbing and clubbing days are behind us (both 36) but have you found it easy to meet people and find things to do? Part of the reason for wanting to leave Sydney is the lack of community spirit here, our immediate neighbours on both sides don't even say hello!

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Thanks Team Edwards


We are flying up next week to have a look around and then hopefully move before Xmas. It's a bit scary but very exciting.


i am a bit worried about hubby finding work up there though. He is a crane truck driver and finding work in Sydney isn't always easy so will probably be a nightmare up there.


thanks for the info and hopefully we can have that coffee one day!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Congrats Jaffy! Only just got your message! Hope the move went well!!?? Just before Crimbo aswell, that must have been easy!!! Not!

How are you finding it in your area? How's the heat?

M x

I got the job, moving next Sunday and haven't even started packing yet:arghh:
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Guest Guest40285

I live near Byron in Fernleigh, which is stones throw from Knockrow. Been living in the Noirthern Rivers 13 years now, Im a single Dad with two daughters 8 and 13 would love to meet up for a beer or coffee or what ever, Cheers Matt

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The move was stressful to say the least but we are starting to settle in now. The air con in our house stopped working after a couple of days so the heat is getting to us a bit. I am enjoying the job and love the area, just need to find hubby a job now.


Hi Matt, we are living in a farm house on the site where I work but it is only temporary. We will have to find somewhere after a few months. We are thinking of Ballina at the moment but it will depend on where hubby gets work. There are not a lot of jobs advertised at the moment. Can you give me any tips on the area? Places to eat, drink, visit? And any advice for finding work up here? And do you get many snakes? Haven't seen any yet but I am still terrified!

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