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Moving back to Essex - info on areas, schools etc


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I need help! We are planning to move back to uk in December. Been here six yrs now but hubby being made redundant and he going to return to his old job in uk. We used to live in Chelmsford before we came but don't want to go back there as would be too weird and familiar. (Our families aren't there). So we were thinking Brentwood area. My biggest concern in schools as before we left kids weren't at school. My boys are 2,6 and 10. I am also wanting to know abt high schools as wel. Shenfield, Brentwood high schools or billericAy???

I have had a look at schools websites and ofsted reports but would love know some personal views. I got tonne other questions too abt sports clubs but if can find a local to advise would like make contact. Any advice though would be super.


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Hi Louise. I lived in Brentwood until I moved to the Dandenong Ranges at the age of 25. As far as I know the primary schools are all pretty good. St Martin's High School in Hutton has the best reputation. I went to Brentwood County High, not to be confused with Brentwood School which is private, and it was ok I guess. I think Shenfield is much the same. I know a lot of kids come from surrounding towns to go to schools in Brentwood so they can't be too bad! I only went to one primary and one high school so it's hard for me to compare to other schools. Sorry not much help I know. I did come across this the other day though http://www.theguardian.com/money/2013/sep/27/lets-move-to-brentwood-essex?INTCMP=ILCNETTXT3487&commentpage=1 The article itself isn't especially representative however the readers' comments may be interesting for you.

If I had the money I'd probably move back to Brentwood (or Billericay) as that is where my parents still live and it has lovely green spaces and is generally quite convenient, but for us the whole reason we left in the first place was that it was out of our reach to buy a house there. We're returning to the UK in November and after an initial stay with family, we're hoping to move to Suffolk or Norfolk as the property prices as more within reach for us. Unfortunately all the nice places in Essex are too expensive for us.

All the best for your move.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Louise,

I'm guessing you're back in the old country now. What did you decide about Brentwood? We're currently staying with my parents there. It's rather cosy with a 5 year old, 2 year old and 9 month old twins but we're enjoying the support of family. Despite it being financial suicide for us, we're looking to find somewhere to rent there so we can continue to be close to them. Hubby found work within two weeks of us arriving.

I hope it's all going well for you. Alex

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