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Flying to the Gold Coast on 30th Oct! ALONE!


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Hi guys!


So I've decided to travel to the Gold Coast to stay with family, it's been a very quick decision... I'm coming alone and I am sooo excited! Although I won't know anyone around my age to do all of the travelling part with, and I plan to stay 2 years.. So gunna do my 3 months in farming.. Anyone else got the same plans or fancy trading advice?!


I also have a question for you people that have already travelled.

I won't have the standard $5000 dollars due to my quick decision making and my family have agreed to be 'financially responsible' for me. Will this be okay? How many of you were questioned at customs about your financial stability? I'm worried!

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My son is in the same position, he's coming out with his girlfriend for a year but doesn't have that amount of money. But as he stated on his visa application, he is staying with his parents who will provide financial support. Worst case scenario if they stop and ask for cash details at customs, which is only a small chance, they will contact the family your staying with and ask for conformation/proof of your situation. You'll be fine don't worry.


hope you have a great adventure.

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hey! pretty much the same here!! I was thinking more of Brisbane rather than Goldcoast, although it's still a chance, as in summer season there's a lot of hospitality jobs that I thought i could manage with. After that, i'll be doing my 3 months in farming, most likely somewhere on Queensland. I'm from Argentina, so i'll probably have a bit of trouble adapting to english (and to drive on the left side, haha!) but feel free to contact me if you need a travel partner!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! I'm moving to the Gold Coast this weekend, I've been here on a WHV from London since March and have been staying with family in Brisbane. I didn't have the $5,000 either and I was fine, they didn't even check! But yes, if your family are willing to say they'll be financially responsible for you, it should be all good :)

Let me know if you want a friend! :P x

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