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Doctors in South Sydney?


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Hi, I have recently arrived and I need to get a statement of immunisation for my daughter and quick! So I can sort out Family assistance. I have been told to go to a doctor with my red book. I have researched the medicare system before I arrived but now I am here and faced with doing it, it feels very alien! I found a dr local to me (Oatley) and found their fees online at $75 a consultation. I believe the medicare rebate is $36 approx. so would that mean I would have to stomach the additional $30 odd and not able to claim it back? There seems to be lots of drs in my area if I search various websites but none have websites and therefore I get no idea whether they bulk bill or what their fees are likely to be. Is there anyone in the area who can recommend a DR- happy to drive to a good one. and who can tell me a little more how it will work please?

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