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Problem getting a reference number for AQF so my husband can submit his TRA application


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My husband needs to get a reference number for his AQF (which was awarded about a week and a half ago) so that he can submit his TRA application. He has tried replying to the address that the confirmation that he was successful with his AQF came from but it just bounces back. He has also tried emailing the guy we went through to get the AQF (Darren leake) but he has not replied either! Anyone know how we can get it so that we can get the TRA application in?


We are now really short on time to get the visa before my husband turns 40 in November and loses 10 points so need to get this ASAP.


My husband had submitted his skills assessment last year but it was unsuccessful due to a problem with his qualification. So, he paid £2000 to do the AQF, which was only supposed to take between 2-8 weeks. There was apparently a backlog at the assessor and it ended up taking about 25 weeks and now we are worried it has been a waste of time and money as we are now unlikely to get it all done and asked to apply before he turns 40 on 21st November.


Any advice would be very much appreciated.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Wendy,


We had this problem. I struggled to get hold of anyone. Every time I called it was answered by people who I can only assume are an answering service. it was like talking to a robot, who just took messages and worked from a script. Nobody replied to my emails and some of the email addresses we had didn't even work. In the end I called Brisbane to get the information directly from the training provider who had issued my partner's AQF certificate, which in his case was Master Builders. I spoke to a really helpful woman late at night before I went to bed and had received all the information I needed by email when I woke the next morning. I did eventually hear from Darren but I think it was a week or two later. It's quite possible he bases himself between the two countries? We were really disappointed bearing in mind how much the qualification had cost us that the one time we needed something, he was nowhere to be found.


Hope this helps,



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