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Hello, I am Dave.


I am currently saving up to apply for the De Facto Spouse Visa and would like to know what you think my chances would be of getting it. Also, any information on how to improve my chances would be brilliant.


Here's the details:-


I am 36 and a British Citizen, my girlfriend is an Australian Citizen and lives in Sydney.

We have been in an exclusive relationship for the last 3 years, in the last 15 months I have spent 5 months in Australia living with her on visitor visas on 2 different occasions. We primarily stay in contact over the internet. Occasionally phoning each other.

Neither of us have children.


Any advice would be great.

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Hello and welcome :)


Based on what you've said above, I doubt you'll met the de facto requirements without a great deal of evidence showing you as having a shared life, financial commitments and so on. Your description reads more like a BF GF situation more.


Do you have evidence of shared account? Paying bills? Named on life insurance etc? That is the sort if thing they will be looking for. Extended holidays are not really living together.


Have you considered the PMV if you feel you want a future together and so on, it's maybe worth considering.

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Hi Snifter, thanks for the speedy reply and sound advice.


I am still really assessing the Visa options, PMV is definitely a consideration, we have known each other for a long time now, over 10 years. We don't have a great deal of evidence, maybe we should start accruing that now?

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You'll need a years worth but I still think you are on thin ground and could be wasting a lot of money on applying for a partner visa.


Look at the PMV?

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