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Does this count for Second Year Visa


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I know you have to do 'Sepcified Work' in a specified area, but does the work need to be with a company? The reason I ask is because I have a weekend job in Adelaide and would be able to do some WWOOFING/HelpX mid week in order to get the specified work done, but a lot of the places offering this are just Homestays and its not for money. A lot of them wont have ABN's I wouldnt have thought, but do seem like they would count towards it.


Does the specified work have to be with a company or can it be for a family that does not trade or have an ABN?


Reading the elegibility requirements, it says nothing that the work has to be done with a company, it just says in a specified field or industry...http://www.immi.gov.au/visitors/working-holiday/417/eligibility-second.htm


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