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Work & Travel Visa - How Far Ahead Worth Applying?

Dan Offer

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I've recently been granted a Work Travel Visa (the one where you get 6 months per employer) however, I'm hoping to attain as good a job as possible given my skills and qualifications.


Over the past three years I've been running an IT company - engaging in product design, testing, PR etc, but I have little in the way of higher level formal qualifications other than a good degree and A Levels....how good are my chances of picking something up? Headed to Melbourne but incredibly flexible.


How far ahead of me leaving the UK is it worth applying for roles?

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I'd wait till you arrive tbh. On a WHV you may find your options limited in your field as it could be employers are wanting people longer term and won't be interested in your with a 6 month limit. Most employers would want you on the ground to interview and skills test I would reckon so don't worry overly about looking before you go.


Also remember the WHV is just that, a working holiday visa. The idea being you work to supplement your holiday and have funds to fall back on etc.

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