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DIAC put on hold my 175 application bcz of pregnancy means all process in pending?


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Dear All,

After applying for subclass 175 (jan2012), I got CO (Jun 2012) assigned,submitted my Form80 and added my spouse and mentioned that she is pregnant ( Aug 2012). The CO added her and marked all the documents "met" and asked me that my application has been "put on hold" till the child is born.

My question is does it means all the process was in pending or my background checks were going on. Now that I have submitted child passport etc (March 2013) so it means I will be waiting for an year as average background checks for HR countries(Pakistan) takes one year or I have to wait for 3,4 months as it is almost 16 months that I applied for immigration and 8 months that I got CO assigned.

Please any one experienced the same or know about such cases reply.


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Dear All,

After applying for subclass 175 (jan2012), I got CO (Jun 2012) assigned,submitted my Form80 and added my spouse (also submitted her form80) and mentioned that she is pregnant ( Aug 2012). The CO added her and marked all the documents "met" and asked me that my application has been "put on hold" till the child is born.

My question is does it means all the process was in pending or my background checks were going on. Now that I have submitted child passport etc (March 2013) so it means I will be waiting for an year as average background checks for HR countries(Pakistan) takes one year or I have to wait for 3,4 months as it is almost 16 months that I applied for immigration and 8 months that I got CO assigned. Note till date CO has not asked me for medical or PC.

Please any one experienced the same or know about such cases reply.


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