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Saying Goodbye


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Well I have not been on for a while as my sister came to visit us and I wanted to spend every moment we had with her!!


She wasnt able to come for long as she couldnt get the time off work but leading up to her coming we were so excited and couldnt wait to see her.


We had such a great time while she was here and went out most days to do and see all the touristy things that you have too.


While she was here our son celebrated his birthday so he was so excited to have his Aunty here for that and even more excited when she unpacked her suitcase which was full of presents from the UK.


I have to say even tho I knew I would get upset when she left it was harder than I could have imagined. We took her to the airport and I am glad that I went but my god it is sooooo hard!!


My Brother is planning a trip here for Christmas which is going to be just as great but only time will tell if the goodbyes get any easier!!


Deb xx

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Guest Kookaburra

Deb, isn't it awfu? it almost makes you wish they didn't come here :-(


My best friend came out for her honeymoon last year, we had a fantastic time - did all 7 of the touristy things here!!! sat outside on their last morning then her hubby decided to go over the flight details and found they'd packed up a day early!!!! so having spent all morning crying on each other we got to spend another 24 hours and did it all again the next day - they will be back on 17th December and it's cheered me up so much.


I'm sure it won't be any easier for you with your brother though. :-(



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I am going to the uk in 3 weeks with my 2 little ones so they can see their grandparents. I am looking forward to the trip but not the leaving again, the first time was bad and I think this time will be worse.


Em x

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