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Advice needed on potential opportunity


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Hi to all,

a friend of mine and ex-colleague has moved to Oz quite some time ago. Initially via a UK company with a subsidiary in Australia and recently set up his own company active within the IT industry.

He's offering the option to work for/with him for 6/12 months (possibly longer) base in either Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane, paying $700-800 per day + GST (not sure what that is); all of this on a 457 visa.

I am a self-employed IT consultant in the UK (running my own limited company) with a family (wife and 2 kids). I have a turnover of around £100k and pay 20% corporation tax. I live in the south west, not London and would therefore consider life to be not as costly (compared to London).

I'd like to have an idea on whether this is a decent offer, what I'd expect to pay for living in any of those 3 cities quotes (which is best) and hoe thia woud compacte to my UK standards.

Also, my wife works part-time as an admin assistant for the LEA on about £13k. Will she be able to work?

Whilst the appeal is there, i am a bit apprehensive about it all - what to expecta? will i actually improve mu standard of living? Any advice welcome.


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