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DIY Container Shipping


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We watched an episode of WDU revisted last night and the couple from Swansea appeared to pack their own container.


Which got my OH thinking..... Have you or anyone you know packed your own container and shipped it independently from the large Shipping Companies? I googled it and sent off an enquiry but this only led to larger shipping companies getting hold of me as the site redirected my enquiry to them....


Any input would be grateful received.

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A few have self packed in the past. If you use the forum search you could probably find the threads.


More often now people tend to use the MoveCube although this isn't anywhere near as big as a 20ft container and will not fit heaps of furniture etc, it can get a fair amount in for a decent price.

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Found this link



I will be sending off a enquiry as OH would like us to pack our own but may be tricky as we want to take a car plus 2 motorbikes so crucial to stop them rattling around inside! Luckily we have ample room on our driveway for them to offload a 40" container or else we would have seriously unhappy neighbours.....

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I'm wondering how you got on with this. I emailed two international shipping companies that were recommended on here but neither got back to me (and yes, I do check my junk mail). We have a half full container in Brisbane we want to ship to the UK if it's viable otherwise we'll transfer the contents to a large cube.

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