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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Licencing Help.

Kev Rad

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I was just after some firm info on exactly what you need to get when you arrive so as you can get licensed up and get a job?


I know you need the ARCtick Licence, a restricted electrical and you need to do some training at a college. Could anyone let me know what order you have to do it in. Where do you have to go to get it done as if I need to book etc I want to do it before I get there, or see if I can get something done on my reccie visit.


Not sure if there is anything I can do before I leave the UK? Doesn't seem to be from what I can see.


Moving to WA by the way.


All advice will be gratefully received





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First step is to apply to TRA for an Australia Recognised Trade Certificate [ARTC],not to be confused with ARCtick. This may take 6 weeks or more and is the most difficult part. Once you get it you can apply for your ARCtick and restricted electrical at the same time.

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