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de facto relationship question


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It is not considered de facto. You either have to wait the full 12 months or register the relationship if your state allows it.


I had been living with my partner for seven months and had to register in NSW. It's easy to do but not all states allow it. It does have a 28 day cool off period though so not immediate.



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Hi Boom,

There's another thread going at the moment "Is it Enough" where a guy is questioning the same thing.

General consensus is, as long as you can prove that 12 months of a relationship prior to the date of application where you were not living apart on a permanent basis, you should be right. If you have evidence showing that, for example, you travelled together, had money going in between your accounts, had a joint account etc on top of the lease/bills that you've shared for the last 9 months, you should be right. Just throw every bit of evidence - correspondence, phone bills, bank statements, travel itineraries etc etc their way and it should stick.

Def look at getting your relationship registered as well, but in the meantime get your evidence together.

My CO was very clear that he wanted evidence primarily for the 12 months preceding date of application.

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