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Hi There :) - How to plan.


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Hi Guys,


So me and my girlfriend want to get away to Australia, we thought this would be a good place to start are travelling time as we can save money to travel further. Theres no point in us going to a low paid place and not having money to travel elsewhere.

I am wondering if someone call tell me about how they planned and what is to be considered when doing money break downs and so on. If we are going to do this we want to do it properly.


I am 20 (Will be 21 when travelling) and my girlfriend is 18 (Will be 19 when travelling), we are both the outdoor/love the sea type. I would really like work on the sea or around the sea, tourism maybe?

I am qualified in I.T and have microsoft certs and a level 3, do not have a degree however.

My girlfriend would have finished a HNC in dance teaching. She might go back to uni later on in life to do HND and then top-up to honors.


Not sure if we could get work in them fields or not considering we are qualified even if its only a little bit qualified. Other than that we will do any jobs from Bar work to sea fishing. Any job that pays to let us have the best weekends and time off ever to do diving and water-sports and stuff like that. (Also maybe pay bills ;), maybe i have my priorities wrong haha).


Yeah so any help would be great.

Thanks Guys look forward to chatting.



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