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nervous wait....


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After the very sudden and unexpected offer of 457 sponsorship the emotions are running wild!


my partners a chef and the company offering to sponsor him seem to be on the ball with the visa - they have a migration lawyer sorting everything out and it appears they are sorting out our bit of the application too (as much as possible)


Trying so hard not to get overly excited...worried that it could all fall through for a random reason. They have said they want us over in Australia by end february at the latest, so we are looking at 15th ish to fly out.


We are doing what we can here...researching schools, cost of living etc...shipping. Have had our house valued for rental here and checking flights. Just feel that we cant actually put anything in to place incase things dont work out.

Im a photographer, self employed...have informed clients that have portraits booked in and have brought them forward but normally id be rushing around promoting, advertising and I cant due to the unknown!

Have spent as much time as possible checking out forums for advice and looking at what we can be getting on with but just wondered if anyone can offer words of support, advise or maybe suggest anything I could be doing for now that I may not have thought of.

Id normally be quite organised but we only expected this opportunity in a year or so...kind of feel we are completely in the unknown, knowing nothing about anything much!!

this waiting game is bloody hard work!!

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