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Farm Work Available in Cooktown

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

Looking for mature travellers to occupy my spare flat in exchange for light duties on my farm.


Everyday chores include...weed control, maintenance, fertilisation, yardwork and houskeeping/cleaning maybe walking the animals. Dogs, horses etc.

I only ask for a couple of hours in the day, this will give you plenty of jobsearch time.


A vehicle is preferred as we are 20K from town, but it is not desireable.

We speak english at home and would encourage you to do the same.


The camping, fishing and hunting in the area is world class, not to forget mentioning the delicious seafood these places have to offer.


You should be self reliant and have finance as I wont provide all your food, but I will cook some meals. As I grow most veggies there is plenty for all of us. We also have swimming pool and we're a short walk to the river/falls.


A great place to stay and enjoy the far north tropics! for further inquiries please call Chris on 0487698043

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